How do we make the Present Perfect Tense?

The structure of the present perfect tense is:

subject+auxiliary verb+main verb
  have past participle

Here are some examples of the present perfect tense:

 subjectauxiliary verb main verb 
+Ihave seenET.
+Youhave eatenmine.
-Shehasnotbeento Rome.
?Haveyou finished? 
?Havethey doneit?

Contractions with the present perfect tense

When we use the present perfect tense in speaking, we usually contract the subject and auxiliary verb. We also sometimes do this when we write.

WSM Image
He's or he's??? Be careful! The 'scontraction is used for the auxiliary verbs have and be. For example, "It's eaten" can mean:
  • It has eaten. [present perfect tense, active voice]
  • It is eaten. [present tense, passive voice]
It is usually clear from the context.
I haveI've
You haveYou've
He has
She has
It has
John has
The car has
The car's
We haveWe've
They haveThey've

Here are some examples:

  • I've finished my work.
  • John's seen ET.
  • They've gone home.

Present Perfect Use »

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