English Grammar


1. O uso do some e any (quantidades não específicas)
a) Some: 
. Afirmativas: 
* There are some visitors in the school.
. Interrogativas (quando você acha que a resposta é positiva)
* Cane I have some orange juice, please?

b) Any:
. Perguntas:
* Are there any glasses?
c) Negativas:
* I haven't got any money

2. A few/ a little/ many/ much/ a lot (of)
a) A few/ a little: para pequenas quantidades
. A few: substantivos no plural
* A few students aren't here today
. A little: para uncountable nouns (singular)
* There's a little cheese in the fridge

b) Many/ much: para grandes quantidades (perguntas e negação)
. Many: para substantivo no plural
* How many children have you got?
* There aren't many books in this shop

c) Much: para uncountable nouns (singular)
* How much meat did you buy?
* I haven't got much money

d) A lot of: para grandes quantidades (em afirmativas com plural ou uncountable nouns)
* A lot of people are coming to our party

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