Expressa ações futuras não planejadas ou incertas

Auxiliar (Will / won’t)





Suj. + will + verb/normal + complem.

Suj. + won’t verb/normal + complem.

Will + suj. + verb/normal + complem.

I will travel tomorrow

I won’t travel tomorrow

Will I travel tomorrow?

You will travel tomorrow

You won’t travel tomorrow

Will you travel tomorrow?

He will travel tomorrow

He won’t travel tomorrow

Will he travel tomorrow?

She will travel tomorrow

She won’t travel tomorrow

Will she travel tomorrow?

It will travel tomorrow

It won’t travel tomorrow

Will it travel tomorrow?

We will travel tomorrow

We won’t travel tomorrow

Will we travel tomorrow?

They will travel tomorrow

They won’t travel tomorrow

Will they travel tomorrow?


Conhecendo as abreviações do auxiliar WILL

a- Na afirmativa: I will = I’ll; you will = you’ll; he will = he’ll; she will = she’ll; it will = it’ll; we will = we’ll; they will = they’ll;

b- Na negativa: will é abreviado para won’t em todas as pessoas;

c- Na interrogativa: não há possibilidade de abreviação.



1. Coloque os seguintes verbos no futuro:

















2. Construa a afirmativa, negativa ou interrogativa no Simple Future nos espaços vazios correspondentes:





Mary won’t answer my question


She will call me at five O’clock





Will you wash the dishes?

We will order a soft drink




Kate won’t work in a bank




Will Tony plan the party?

My father will live in São Paulo




I won’t decide what to do




Will It arrive early?


3. Escreva nos espaços a palavra ideal para cada situação:                                Abrevie (as afirmativas e negativas)

a- They __________ make a new project (negative)           a-

b- ________ he get a girlfriend? (interrogative)                    b-

c- My boyfriend __________ come back (affirmative)          c-

d- We __________ smile with this joke (negative)               d-

e- _________ Suzy stay at home tonight (interrogative)      e-

f- You _________ understand me (affirmative)                    f-

g- I _______ study German (negative)                                 g-

h- The television _________ change (negative)                  h-

i- People ________ believe in me (affirmative)                     i-

j- ________ father accept the problems? (interrogative)       j-

l- English ________ be the first language (affirmative)         l-






Expressa ações futuras planejadas ou certas

Auxiliar (Going to)





Suj. + to be + going to + verb + complem.

Suj. + to be + not + going to + verb + complem.

To be + suj. + going to + verb + complem.

I am going to travel tomorrow

I am not going to travel tomorrow

Am I going to travel tomorrow?

You are going to travel tomorrow

You are not going to travel tomorrow

Are you going to travel tomorrow?

He is going to travel tomorrow

He  is not going to travel tomorrow

Is he going to travel tomorrow?

She is going to travel tomorrow

She is  not going to travel tomorrow

Is she going to travel tomorrow?

It is going to travel tomorrow

It  is not going to travel tomorrow

Is it going to travel tomorrow?

We are going to travel tomorrow

We are not going to is travel tomorrow

Are we going to travel tomorrow?

They are going to travel tomorrow

They is not going to travel tomorrow

Are they going to travel tomorrow?


Relembrando o uso do verbo ‘to be’ no presente:

1. AM, usado para I;

2. ARE, usado para you, we, they;

3. IS, usado para he, she, it.



2. Construa a afirmativa, negativa ou interrogativa no Immediate Future nos espaços vazios correspondentes:





Mary is not going to answer my question


She is going to call me at five O’clock





Are you going to you wash the dishes?

We are going to order a soft drink




Kate and Tomas are not going to work in a bank




Is Tony going to plan a party?

My father is going to live in São Paulo




I am not decide what to do




Is It going to arrive early?


3. Preencha os espaços com o verbo to (am/is/are) ou com o auxiliar ‘going to’.

a- He ______ ___________  watch the games (Ele vai assistir aos jogos)

b- ______ We ___________ help my friend? (Nós vamos ajudar meu amigo?)

c- I _____ not ________ receive a gift (Eu não vou receber um presente)

d- My heart _____  _________ be passionate (Meu coração vai estar apaixonado)

e- ______ the nation _________ understand this evolution? (A nação vai entender esta evolução?)

f- They ______ not permit this opinion (Elas não vão permitir minha opinião)

g- We ___________ to read a English Bible (Nós vamos ler uma Bíblia Inglesa)

h- That person _____  _________ to regret (Aquela pessoa vai se arrepender)

i- She _____  ____________ justify my desire (Ela vai justificar meu desejo)

j- _____ China  ___________ to be a rich country? (A China vai ser um país rico?)

4- Substitua a partícula ‘going to’ pela sua forma abreviada ‘gonna’, como no exemplo abaixo:

Ex. I am going to take a little time = I’m gonna take a little time

a-       She is going to learn English = ______________________________________________

b-      They are going to work everyday = ___________________________________________

c-       We are going to help me = __________________________________________________

d-      Jack is going to survive = ___________________________________________________

e-      Paul and Mary are going to sleep late = _______________________________________

f-         My English is going to be better = ____________________________________________

g-      He is going to see my power = _______________________________________________

h-       The future is going to be great = ______________________________________________

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